Freedom Through Divorce

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Joined Sep 29, 2020

Freedom Through Divorce is an Online School of Personal Development Courses that help Christian Women break free from abusive, toxic, and dysfunctional marriages. This channel exists to bring awareness to the school and it's benefits to women that need it. I believe that not all marriages are created equal; some are toxic, abusive, and a hindrance to our ability to experience the fullness of God's plan for our lives. Staying simply results in never-ending pain for the entire family including the children. I seek to provide freedom through divorce for Christian women everywhere.

Christian women are staying in life draining, verbally, physically, and emotionally abusive marriages for one reason only...fear. Fear that divorce will harm their children, fear that they won't be able to take care of themselves financially, but most often fear that God will be upset with them if they get a divorce. 

Anytime they seek out information on whether divorce is acceptable for Christians, they are met with the same message which is to stay no matter what. Basically, they are guilted into staying and made to feel wrong for even considering divorce. So they settle for loveless marriages where they are abused and disrespected. As the marriage grows increasingly toxic, it negatively affects both their lives and their children's lives.  They end up sacrificing their mental, emotional, and physical health, and eventually their destiny.

Freedom Through Divorce attacks this problem head-on at the source. It attacks the lies that are holding these women in bondage and hits them with the truth. But it's done in a way that is free of judgment and condemnation. The very first course is called Authorized Divorce: When God Objects to your Union. This course touches on all of the reasons why these women think they can't get a divorce, with the truth about why they can. 

The course content addresses...

-The bible verses commonly used to keep women in abusive marriages
-The issues that actually affect children about divorce and the ones that don't so that they are equipped with the truth as oppose to just hearsay
-The truth behind what will happen if they stay and how that reality is far worst than what they currently fear about the possibility of leaving.
-This course arms women with the truth so that they can make a decision based on faith, truth, and empowerment rather than staying stuck due to fear. And it does so with unique information that cannot be found anywhere else!