Thought Criminal championers 0 followers 23 Your Subscription Thought Criminal - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Championers Subscriptions Recent Activity 840 days ago00:03 ThoughtCriminal has uploaded a video What could make crime go up What could make crime go up 841 days ago21:40 ThoughtCriminal has uploaded a video What are you talking about Willis What are you talking about Willis 841 days ago12:50 ThoughtCriminal has commented on Yes crime is high @Letterhead:Go on with your bad self. 842 days ago22:00 ThoughtCriminal has uploaded a video Dirty Rotten Election Deniers Dirty Rotten Election Deniers 843 days ago01:58 ThoughtCriminal has commented on Yes crime is high @Letterhead:Any chance of showing me where you are seeing this cause I definitely don't see it. 843 days ago01:57 ThoughtCriminal has commented on Yes crime is high @WandaMartine:Are you blind in one eye? 844 days ago22:15 ThoughtCriminal has uploaded a video Yes crime is high Yes crime is high 844 days ago17:39 ThoughtCriminal has commented on Missing George Carlin @bensondesignt: I think they are all corrupt. We need George back to call them out. 844 days ago17:37 ThoughtCriminal has commented on A warning from THEM @Zander:Or, you might be blind.