JollyGay championers 0 followers 9 Your Subscription JollyGay - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Championers Subscriptions Recent Activity 540 days ago17:09 Jolly Gay🌈 has uploaded a video J Pee - I'm Not Gay The official channel RE-RELEASE of J Pee's first music video, I'M NOT GAY. A HUGE thank you to the video's original producers, Branden Blinn and TBBMG, for allowing me to re-release this on my own channel. Check out more of their content at: 1129 days ago21:19 Jolly Gay🌈 has uploaded a video Cruising the Bathroom (for beginners) | Patrick Marano I think we've all seen that guy... standing at the urinal looking everywhere but right in front of him. Ever wonder what it's like to cruise the bathroom? Is it even possible? What should I look for? How is it done? In this video, we break down the basics of cruising in the bathroom so you don't have to worry about getting it ...