VamVam VamVam championers 0 followers 140 Your Subscription VamVam - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Championers Subscriptions Recent Activity 649 days ago16:06 VamVam has uploaded a video Advertise with content Creators Advertisers, if you've already tried costly Google Youtuber/Facebook video ads, you've probably already created a fantastic short marketing video or UGC promo to tell your brand's story- now dust it off, repurpose it, and further expand its viral audience reach; when you directly sponsor a Youtuber/Creator type that splice integra... 715 days ago01:53 VamVam has uploaded a video Creators, monetize at VamVam! Creators, monetize at VamVam! 715 days ago00:46 VamVam has commented on Advertisers, want better advertising help Thanks for watching and sharing our content. Happy Advertising! Team VamVam :grinning: 715 days ago00:45 VamVam has commented on Creators, want better monetization help Thanks for watching and sharing our content. Happy Monetizing! Team VamVam :grinning: 715 days ago00:44 VamVam has liked a video Creators, want better monetization help “What do you want?” It’s a simple question, but a new campaign, for new Creator's marketplace VamVam, shows that it can elicit deeply personal and heartfelt responses. Creators, you finally have a UMC (user monetized content) tool that allows you to receive direct brand sponsorships for your videos, and convert your creative content int... 909 days ago00:44 VamVam has uploaded a video Creators, want better monetization help “What do you want?” It’s a simple question, but a new campaign, for new Creator's marketplace VamVam, shows that it can elicit deeply personal and heartfelt responses. Creators, you finally have a UMC (user monetized content) tool that allows you to receive direct brand sponsorships for your videos, and convert your creative content int... 910 days ago16:46 VamVam has uploaded a video Advertisers, want better advertising help “What do you want?” It’s a simple question, but a new campaign, for new Advertising marketplace VamVam, shows that it can elicit deeply personal and heartfelt responses. Advertisers, if you've already tried costly Google Youtuber/Facebook video ads, you've probably already created a fantastic short marketing video or UGC promo to te... 992 days ago09:20 VamVam has commented on VamVam add your Ad Campaign tutorial @GingerPink: Thankyou for viewing our content. Best regards, team VamVam. 992 days ago09:19 VamVam has commented on VamVam add your Ad Campaign tutorial @dghyuwssreo15: Thankyou for viewing our content. Best regards, team VamVam.