DVE championers 0 followers 3 Your Subscription DVE - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Championers Subscriptions Recent Activity 833 days ago00:03 DVE has commented on I Wanna Know - Joe *Acoustic Cover* by Will Git... 833 days ago00:03 DVE has liked a video I Wanna Know - Joe *Acoustic Cover* by Will Gittens & Rome Flynn Linked up with my bro Rome again and did an acoustic version of this CLASSIC!!! Listen on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/willgittens/i-wanna-know-acoustic-cover-ft-rome-flynn GO SUBSCRIBE TO ROME: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCchRKrRzRcUYkfemp9ZMqPA VIDEO SHOT BY: @alvinagency #Joe #IWannaKnow #Will Gittens #RomeFlynn #AcousticCover 833 days ago22:42 DVE has liked a video How Queer Activist Yves Fought For His Life and is Now Fighting For... Often mistaken for an ex-convict or a drug dealer with his body and face covered in tattoos, activist and artist Yves Mathieu East has a list a mile long of all the ways he gives back to a world that has repeatedly let him down, simply for being who he is. Having been bullied and outcast throughout his life as a closeted gay kid, Yves found his ... 833 days ago22:41 DVE has liked a video Tai Chi Fighting......Awesome! COMBAT TAI CHI DVD - Now Available! Click Here to Order: http://jakemace.com/kungfu/DVDs.html My New Online School!!! SUBSCRIBE CLICK HERE: http://subscriptions.viddler.com/jakemacekungfu ORDER OUR YANG TAI CHI DVD BY CLICKING THE LINK BELOW: http://phoenixlongevityarts.com/Site_2/DVDs.html In this video lesson learn three meditative Tai Chi ... 833 days ago22:41 DVE has commented on The Erica Crooks Show ( 2020 ) - YouTube Ads ( ... :thumbsup::grinning: 833 days ago22:41 DVE has liked a video The Erica Crooks Show ( 2020 ) - YouTube Ads ( political satire ) The Erica Crooks Show ( 2020 ) YouTube Ads ( political satire ) Video Adverts Are Annoying Remember when people would watch videos online just to ESCAPE TELEVISION ? And for more content from Erica Crooks Check out : https://linktr.ee/officialericcrooks AND MORE visit The Official Erica Crooks Websites : Personal Website : ericacrooks... 833 days ago22:40 DVE has commented on Creators, want better monetization help The question all Creators are trying to figure out right now. Times are complicated. 967 days ago01:18 DVE has commented on Mental health matters Great Storytime. Going thru Covid def played a major part in your breakdown. It had to.