Alex championers 0 followers 71 Your Subscription Alex - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Championers Subscriptions Recent Activity 349 days ago09:59 Alex has liked a video AAVE Explained: A Dialect That Transcends Internet Culture In this episode of Babbel Explains, let’s take a look at African-American Vernacular English. What exactly is AAVE? Who speaks it, and why has it been minimized or relabeled as “internet slang” in recent years? Don’t worry – in this video, you’ll have AAVE explained and learn a lot more about this rich dialect and its history, grammar and cultur... 349 days ago09:58 Alex has liked a video MAGA Barbie Trumper has mind explosion! All dressed up and nowhere for her to... What was that? What was the question? Michael Shure reports for TYT from the 'Team Trump Iowa Commit to Caucus' Event in Coralville, IA. A manifesto for a new progressive vision *** Watch TYT LIVE on weekdays 6-8 pm ET. The l... 349 days ago09:57 Alex has liked a video The Color Purple Respeck't' promo The Color Purple Respeck't' promo 349 days ago09:56 Alex has liked a video "The Color Purple" is Black Excellence on Screen! Dr. Shani reviews "The Color Purple" Movie. 349 days ago09:54 Alex has liked a video Trying The Limited Edition Red Velvet Oreo #redvelevetoreo #oreo Intro and outro music for this video is performed and produced by @TSMRAPPER Make sure to check out his YouTube channel for some awesome custom intro music 349 days ago09:51 Alex has liked a video Brian T Shirley ad for shirleyagoodtime You like to travel? Check out my ad for Don't google it, I'm responsible for what pops up!! (LOL) Need a VO for your content? Hit me up 349 days ago09:51 Alex has liked a video Craziest "Why?" Moments in Sports History Craziest "Why?" Moments in Sports History BIBLE VERSE OF THE DAY: Joshua 1:9