Anyone Can Be Creative - Artist Toolkit Illustration Workshop
Published on Aug 7, 2020
There are those who create and those who are born to sit out and observe, right?
I've heard variations of this same line of thinking my entire life and can tell you it's 100% false! I've been drawing since I was 7 years old and by no means started out with loads of ability straight out the gate. What I did have going for me was raw obsession. I simply loved the act of drawing and would pursue instruction wherever I could.
Along the way I realized that there were fundamental principles which can be passed on, that once you incorporate knowledge into action then creativity may be unlocked. In short, if you know the right moves then the artist within you can come out!
So many are missing out on the potentially life enhancing benefits of art such as enhanced mood, enhanced learning capability, and more, simply because they aren't aware of these tools! I'm so committed to bringing value through this workshop that I'll also be including:
1. The video recording of each session
2. Drawing Hand Position Cheat Sheet
3. Written syllabus of content
I look forward to helping you unlock parts of yourself you may have never thought possible through drawing. Hope to see you there!
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