LASIK, The Best Investment I Ever Made 😇
Health & Beauty
Published on Apr 4, 2019
I went to the London Vision Clinic to do a Lasik operation (ReLEx SMILE variant) for 5500 Pounds. I had -4.5 and -5.5, couldn't see anything far out without glasses but I now realize I could see up close much better than the average. I could read any small print as long as I brought it closeby (could read up to 5-10 cm close).
The operation went very good, after couple months now I do still have glare around car lights at night but that is the only small issue and should continue to improve over time. My eyes are not perfect, I still have about -0.5 now that everything settled, but I don't need to wear glasses anymore!!! :) Reading is not as good as before, I have to put things further from my eyes to read (20cm plus), and if too small can't bring it up close anymore, but that is normal eye vision for my age I think. All in I am so happy I did this.
The London Vision Clinic was also very professional team. They work so fast and streamlined, quite something else as what you see in the world of cryptocurrency. If you decide to go send my greetings to the surgeon Dan Steiner!
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