2022 Video Creators United Conference in Oklahoma
Published on Sep 11, 2022
Attending the 1st Annual Video Creators United Conference in Oklahoma
What did I think of it?.....
If you need to contact us using Snail Mail our address is
Addison Ranch
P.O. Box 262
Burneyville, OK 73430
Our email is addisonranchgoats@gmail.com
FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/Addison-Ranch-452868641453329/
INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/addisonranch/
WEBSITE http://www.addisonranch.com/
BLOG http://addisonranch.blogspot.com/
All of our gear links are things we use. We provide the links so you can easily find them. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Thanks!
DSLR - https://amzn.to/2DUWd5j
DRONE - https://amzn.to/2BS1Nnm
Our best camera is the Canon Vixia HF G30. It is more expensive than the newer models so if you're looking for a mid-level Video Camera I would get the newest model which is here https://amzn.to/3htJvJE
The mic goes on the G30 and is here https://amzn.to/3hmMDqr
We used a Canon Vixia HF R600. The 800 is even better and here is the link https://amzn.to/3iAnFo5
Addison Ranch is family owned and operated by Brett and Lisa Addison. They have been involved in agriculture for over 25 years. They keep busy with a native-wildlife hunting business, cattle, goats and raising as much of their own food as possible. Their goal is to work in sync with nature and without the use of chemicals as they manage the land and animals while promoting a healthy lifestyle. They provide tips and techniques on ranching, hunting, gardening and healthy living to help anyone who is like-minded achieve the same goals.
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