Video of Bagel Karen in NYC bagel shop, calls Black worker the N-word, uses racial slur - no mask
Published on Oct 13, 2021
This is a video of Bagel Karen in NYC bagel, in a bagel shop calling a Black worker the N-word .
Karen called a staff in a Bagel shop the N word because of "his behavior". And because she is "1% " black. That is her claim.
She has 4 black children. The Father of her children is black.
Whether she is fully black or has black children does it make it right for her to use the N-word?
Using a racial slur or discriminating against a person because of their race is wrong. If a racists slur is used against you, you should contact the Police or an organization like the Citizens Advice Bureau.
The information below is a guide from the Bedfordshire Police-
Racist hate crime
Any incident, which is perceived to be based upon prejudice towards or hatred of the victim because of their actual or perceived race.
There is legislation which protects victims of crime where the offender is motivated by hostility or hatred towards the victim’s race or religious beliefs (actual or perceived).
Crime and Disorder Act 1998 created a number of specific offenses of racially aggravated crime, based on offenses of wounding, assault, damage, harassment and threatening/abusive behaviour.
Public Order Act 1986 Part 3. For an offense to be committed under any of these sections of the
Public Order Act 1986, there has to be “threatening, abusive or insulting behaviour” and it has to be intended to or likely in all the circumstances to stir up racial hatred.
If you are facing discrimination at work based on your race, you should seek the services of a Solicitor, Lawyer, Barrister if you are in the UK.
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