Maes Method Human Figure Breakdown
Published on Sep 22, 2020
Hey all, I think you're gonna really enjoy this one...Especially if you've ever heard or uttered the words "I can only draw stick figures!" because today I'm diving into drawing human figures including male and female body proportions/shapes, faces, hands and feet!
I've long been fascinated with the ways our bodies are shaped and how to do them justice on paper. I think humans are the most interesting subjects to draw because we can take so many different forms and taking those moments to study how we're made up is a mode of self reflection. We're all very similar but different in interesting ways.
In this episode of MAES Method Monday, I aim to show you how simple math can be applied to create convincing forms so you know your proportions will be correct and apply to many different body shapes. In the next part I'll go into different angles, poses and basic anatomy so the tools are there for you to pack into your bag! Enjoy
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