The Maes Method
Published on Aug 30, 2020
Why is it that your favorite artists just seem to "get it"? You know, that mystifying spark that you could say they're just born with and have always known how to use. Let me tell you from personal experience...I wasn't always great and in fact had to work for quite a while to gain a measurable amount of skill. The most enduring trait I've had going for me wasn't control or accuracy, it was obsession. I've simply loved the act of drawing.
Along the way I developed the patience to observe shapes, to really take the time to study forms. It seems so silly to break it down this way, that it's that simple. At its core, drawing is a meditative practice which hones the connection between you and the outside world.
To call the pencil or paintbrush your "medium" is quite fitting. It's the intermediary between you and your understanding of the forms you bring into your creations. It only makes sense to use it as an observational tool. Hence, a natural way which anyone especially beginners can use to make drawing CLICK: The Maes Method - Mindfulness and Effortless Simplicity. That's what it's all about.
The idea is to provide an easy system for you to run with and develop a visual understanding of anything in front of you that you want to draw. Everything around you is defined by its shape, dimensions, shading, and position. How do you think figure artists become so skilled at drawing people? Because they've practiced drawing them over and over again based on reference over time. The thing is they know how to do it, or at least instinctively understand how to do it whereas many others don't know how to follow. It's my pleasure to lead you to the bridge and it's up to you if you feel compelled to cross. I certainly hope to see you on the other side.
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