DIY Ice Hockey Shooting and Stick Handling Pad for cheap

Published on Feb 9, 2022
Interested in making your own hockey stick handling station or shooting pad at home for cheap? I looked online and found how to do it but there weren't many videos that explained it in detail. I went and followed the advice of other people form online on how to make an ice hockey DIY stick handling pad or DIY hockey shooting pad at home and give you some tips and initial thoughts on what my experience was like. overall this worked out perfect for what I wanted. It really is similar to ice once you set it up correctly and it's for less than $40.

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We live in Huntsville Alabama, we moved from Las Vegas in March of 2020. These vlogs are a representation of what our life is like living in Alabama as a married couple with two cats. Makenna is a makeup distributor and Kyle is an Aircraft Structural Maintainer who also served 6 years in the Air Force. Our cats are named Carl and Mark. We aren't anything special. Just a regular, normal, boring married couple documenting our life so one day we can look back on them with our kids. We aren't trying to be that cool YouTube couple or YouTubers for that matter. We are just documenting our journey to preserve the memories. Thanks for joining and supporting us.


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